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Institute of Anatomy

Body donation

Body donation for the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Zurich

Anatomical dissection and surgical courses on preserved bodies are an essential part of the training of medical students and future specialists. Future doctors can only become sufficiently familiar with the complex three-dimensional structure of the human body if they visualise structures themselves and study them on prepared specimens.

Prospective surgical specialists must be able to learn and practice surgical techniques that they will later use on patients in anatomical surgical courses. New surgical procedures must be developed and tested on cadavers before they can be used on patients. Medical teaching and research are therefore urgently dependent on the body donation of our fellow citizens.

Body donation is an act of solidarity and the gift of a human being to his or her fellow human beings, especially to the next generation.

You can order a brochure with more detailed information on the meaning, conditions, procedure and consequences of body donation at the address opposite or download it as a PDF file.

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Contact body donation

University of Zurich
Institute of Anatomy, Body donation
Daniela Meir / Fabian Baron
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH - 8057 Zurich

General contact:
Tel. + 41 44 635 53 11
