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Institute of Anatomy

"Yin Yang 1 Orchestrates a Metabolic Program Required for Both Neural Crest Development and Melanoma Formation" in Cell Stem Cell

The group of Prof. Lukas Sommer together with researchers from the UZH Institute of Molecular Life Sciences and USZ Department of Dermatology published their exciting findings on the role of the transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1)  in neural crest development and melanoma formation.

There have been long indications that developmental programs are used by cells for the initiation and progression of cancer. This study shows that YY1 governs metabolism and protein synthesis of neural crest stem cells as well as melanoma cells. Neural crest stem cells develop to melanocytes, which can transform to melanomas.

This research came about as part of the Zurich University Research Priority Program ‘‘Translational Cancer Research" and received additional funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Cancer League, and the Foundation for Research in Science and Humanities at University of Zurich .
